Garden Bench

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This is a painting of the bench in our garden at our family farm. You can sit here and enjoy a beautiful view of the rolling hills in southern New Hampshire. It is just a solitary, aging wooden bench, but it evokes the simple joys of a quiet summer afternoon, just enjoying the sunshine, tall grass and sunshine (and for me, antihistamines).

I like the way the bench is framed between the trees and I feel good about the overall composition. The picture rolls off to the right, but  I can tolerate that because it gives a little energy and sense of motion…as well as the fact that there is a slope there in reality.

On the other side of the coin, I think it could have more depth…perhaps more contrast between the bench and its surroundings, stronger values in the foreground. Not really sure how to accomplish that dynamic, but as a whole I just like the subject and the memories a bench in New Hampshire.

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